Get $10 off your order when you purchase by February 15 Enter SAVE10NOW in the Affinity Code field on the order form. Valid on one-time license purchases only.
Your Paypal Email Address is your license ID.
You can register your software as soon as your purchase is complete.
CompanionLink for Outlook (CLO)
Sync Outlook to Android, iPhone and Google
One profile.
CompanionLink for Google (CLG)
Sync Outlook to Google
One profile.
CompanionLink for Palm Desktop (CLPDT)
Sync Palm Desktop to Android, iPhone and Google
One profile.
CompanionLink Express (CLX)
Sync Act!, Time&Chaos, Intellect
plus all CLO devices.
Two profiles. Supports Doublelook Mode.
CompanionLink Professional (CLP)
Sync GoldMine
plus all CLX devices.
Five profiles. Advanced features, Doublelook Mode.
CompanionLink for Apps (CLFA)
Sync legacy platforms.
Five profiles.
CompanionLink for Mac (CLM)
For Mac: Sync Outlook to Google, Android and iPhone.
One Profile.
DejaCloud - 5k records (DCL2)
1 PC, 2 Devices, up to 5,000 records - $5 per month
Includes updates to CLO, CLM, CLPDT, and CLG above.
For sync to Outlook, Palm Desktop, Mac, Chaos
DejaCloud - 15k records (DCL3)
2 PCs, 2 Devices or 1 PC, 3 Devices,
up to 15,000 records - $8 per month
Includes updates to CompanionLink Express (CLX).
For sync to Act!
DejaCloud - 50k (DCL5)
3 PCs, 5 Devices, up to 50,000 records - $12 per month
Includes updates to CompanionLink Professional (CLP).
For sync to GoldMine
DejaCloud Level 1 - 5k records (DCL1)
Up to 3 devices, 5,000 records, no PC software license - $2 per month
A low cost way to maintain your DejaCloud account
without a license to PC software
Premium Technical Support (PSP)
12 months of Premium Support - up to 5 tickets
A support technician will log into your computer
and help you with custom settings.
RunStart for One PC Remote Setup (RST)
One Time Sync Setup for One PC and One Phone
A support technician will log into your computer
and help you with custom settings.
DejaOffice PC CRM Standalone
DejaOffice on your PC for use with
Palm Desktop, Google, Outlook, Live, and Time & Chaos.
Include sync to Android and iPhone.
DejaOffice PC CRM Express
DejaOffice on your PC for use with Act!.
Includes Outlook Sync, Android Sync, and iPhone Sync.
DejaOffice PC CRM Professional- 3 User License
DejaOffice on your PC multi-user. For use with
Act!, GoldMine, Outlook and Google.
DejaOffice PC CRM Professional- 5 User License
DejaOffice on your PC multi-user. For use with
Act!, GoldMine, Outlook and Google.
CL Duplicate Remover
Remove Duplicates: Automatically merge and delete duplicate Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, History. Works with Outlook, Google, iCloud, Act!, GoldMine, DejaCloud, Office 365 Exchange, Zoho,, Lotus Notes, Time & Chaos, and more. This is a Portable license for up to 3 Computers and you can move it later to another computer.
CL Debloat Pro
Debloat Windows 11 Professional Business License for CompanionLink's bestselling Debloater! Move Windows 11 Taskbar left, Remove "show more", Remove Advertising and more.
DejaDesktop Data Feed for Windows (DDW)
For Windows 7,8,10 and 11: Wallpaper Data Feed for Outlook, Google, Holidays. A One-Computer license is for this computer only. Install a Portable license on up to three Computers and you can move it later to another computer.
DejaDesktop Data Feed for Mac (DDM)
For Mac: Wallpaper Data Feed for Outlook, Google, Holidays. A One-Computer license is for this computer only. Install a Portable license on up to three Computers and you can move it later to another computer.
Affliate Test
Test: Test order for Affiliate codes.
Last modified: Nov 26, 2024 12:15 pm